Anna was the daughter of Duncan & Ellen (Cameron) Cameron; Donald was the son of Richard & Nancy (Cameron) Cameron. The impetus of this blog is now obvious, right?!
European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. Note: I'm not savvy enough to know about blog cookies; if there's a concern on your part, it's probably best not to visit my pages.
You’ve got a great genealogy blog and I’ve added it to the blog list at GeneaBloggers.
In addition, I’ve made sure your blog is listed in our search engine (http://www.geneabloggers.com/search-geneablogger-member-blogs/) so that it may be searched along with over 750 other genealogy blogs.
Finally, I will also highlight your blog in my weekly This Week’s New Genealogy Blogs post on Saturday, December 5, 2009.
Is there anything you need from us in terms of tech assistance or other advice? Check out the GeneaBloggers Welcome Wagon for lots of info: http://www.geneabloggers.com/about/. And if you need technical help, I run a tech blog for bloggers: http://fbbootcamp.blogspot.com
Thomas MacEntee
A belated thank you for adding my Cameron Collections blog. I've looked at your fabulous bootcamp blog and definitely need to revisit it.
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