Friday, September 28, 2012

Lt. Cameron Was A Second At Colonel Prince's Duel

Fought a Duel. 

The Western Herald of February 14, 1839, refers to the duel which took place between Col. Prince and the Assistant District Treasurer, W. R. Wood. "A hostile meeting took place at an early hour Monday
morning in a field, about two miles back of the town, between Col. Prince and W. R. Wood, Esq. Col. Prince was attended by H. Rudyard, Esq., and Mr. Wood by Lieut. [Allen] Cameron of the Provincial Volunteer Militia. At the first shot Col. Prince's pistol missed fire, Mr. Wood fired without effect; at the second Mr. Wood received the Colonel's ball in his right jaw, and we have been informed, discharged his pistol in the air. The parties then left the ground, the wounded gentleman being conveyed home in Col. Prince's sleigh."  Source

There is a transcribed diary entry by Colonel John Prince describing the duel here.


Family of Colonel Prince.

Obituary of Colonel John Prince.

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