Saturday, August 2, 2014

Crooked Or Wry Nose

Origins of the name from Clan Cameron:

Gaelic Camshron from cam (wry) and sron (nose)


An ancient manuscript history of the CLAN CAMERON commences with these words: The Camerons have a tradition among them that they are originally descended of a younger son of the royal family of Denmark who assisted at the restoration of Fergus. Не was called Cameron from his crooked nose as that word imports. But it is more probable that they are of the aborigines of the ancient Scots or Caledonians that first planted the country - quoted from The Clans of the Highlands of Scotland: Being an Account of Their Annals ... with Delineations of Their Tartans, and Family Arms. Edited by T. Smibert. [With Plates.].

A specific case of "wry-nose" Cameron:


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